
Educator Fees

Educators are registered through Roberta Jull Family Day Care Service and although self employed, act as our agent. Their individual fee schedules comply with the Service Statement of Fee Setting policy and are reviewed annually. Your educator will supply you with a current copy of their fee schedule. You will need to discuss with your educator their policy regarding the payment of fees. Please read the Fee Information for Families factsheet which outlines your obligations.

Family Levy

Robert Jull Family Day Care Service is a not-for-profit organisation. To meet the operating costs of running a high quality service, families are required to pay a Family Levy. The Levy is charged at a rate of $16.00 per booked day or $1.60 per booked hour for part-time, out of core hours, and before or after school care. 

Attendance Records

It is a Commonwealth Government requirement that you complete the attendance records for every day your child is booked into care, including absences.

You must record and sign the times your child is delivered to and collected from the family day care home. The attendance record is a legal document that allows us to pay your educator Child Care Subsidy entitlement to your educator. Records are submitted to Services Australia, as a record of care used.

Kindergarten Children

Children attending kindergarten (the year before pre-primary) are counted in an Educator’s 1:4 ratio and are charged a full day’s rate. If attending kindergarten on alternating 3 day/2 day weeks, a three day contract will be required. Non-attendance on a booked day is recorded as an absence.

Pre-Primary and School Aged Children

A child becomes “School Aged “from the 1st of January the year they turn 5 and begin Pre-Primary.

A minimum booking of one hour before school and two hours after school is required. Please check your educator’s fee policy.

Pre-Primary and School Aged children are booked for term times only. If care is required during school holidays a separate booking for care needs to be made. If no care is required during school holidays no fee applies for school aged children.

Roberta Jull Family Day Care

Quality childcare in a family setting