Contracted Hours

It is important that you adhere to contracted times. If you are unavoidably detained, please phone your educator.

If the hours you have contracted are no longer suitable please discuss a change of contract with your educator. Time used outside your contract may incur a penalty fee, which is paid directly to your educator and is not covered by the Child Care Subsidy.

Out of Standard Hours Care

  • Care contracted before 7.30am and after 5.30pm Monday to Friday and any weekend care must be pre-approved by the Service Manager and be supported by appropriate documentation e.g. parent work roster. Educators must notify the Service when they are operating out of standard hours.
  • Contracted hours of care need to be paid each week whether or not your child attends. Fees still apply for absences due to sickness and holidays.
  • The full fee is charged if a child does not attend care for any reason on their contracted days.
  • If your educator is closed due to illness or holiday no fees will be charged.
  • Each child is eligible to receive CCS for an initial 42 days of absences, per financial year for any absences e.g. Public Holidays, sickness, holidays and occasional days off. This allocation is across all child care services e.g family day care, child care centres and out of school hours care.
  • Before and after school care are booked as two separate sessions. An absence from either or both sessions on one day will be recorded as one absence.
  • Once the initial 42 absence days have been exhausted, additional absences may be claimed in certain circumstances.

Public Holidays

If a public holiday falls on a day you have contracted care your normal fee applies and it is recorded as an absence. If care is used on a public holiday it may attract an additional fee. Please see your educator’s current fee schedule for details.

Educator’s Holidays

When your educator takes holidays they will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible. The service may be able to offer you a temporary place with another educator. However we cannot guarantee vacancies will be available to be able to do this. Please phone the office on 9490 1866 to discuss an alternative placement if required.

Delivery and Collection of Children

No unauthorised person is able to collect your child from care without prior notification to your educator. Children are your responsibility until signed into care and become your responsibility once signed out of care. Siblings accompanying you during delivery and collection times remain your responsibility at all times.

Finishing Care

  • An initial four-week settling-in period is in place. During this time either you or your educator have the right to finish care. After the initial four weeks, a minimum of one week’s notice is necessary.
  • Please notify the service on your last attendance record when care ceases.
  • CCS can only be paid until the last day the child actually attends.
  • If your child does not attend during the notice period CCS does not apply and the full fee must be paid to the educator.
  • An exit survey will be forwarded to each family on the completion of care. We value your comments and feedback.

Roberta Jull Family Day Care

Quality childcare in a family setting